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Monday, November 22, 2010

Blogger. Highlighting sections in blogger blog.

In one of my blogs I wanted to highlight my program code in a different way so that I can distinguish it from my regular comments / texts. Today I found a way to accomplish that using css. Blogger uses CSS extensively to style their blog templates. To see what I am talking about, see the below two examples.

1. CSS text highligting is not applied.

// SPACE=(TRK,5),

2. CSS text highlighting is applied

// SPACE=(TRK,5),

Now, I am a mainframe programmer and that should explain the black and green screen. For those who are not a big fan of black and green screens, Here is another way in which you can highlight your code, your quote or any text which you need to distinguish from the rest of the text.


// Print Environment Variables
echo "<b>Environment Variables from $HTTP_ENV_VARS</b><br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_ENV_VARS)) {
print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";

// Print GET Variables
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>GET Variables from $HTTP_GET_VARS</b><br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";

// Print POST Variables
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>POST Variables from $HTTP_POST_VARS</b><br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";

// Print COOKIE Variables
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>COOKIE Variables from $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS</b><br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) {
print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";

// Print SESSION Variables
echo "<br>";

echo "<b>SESSION Variables from $HTTP_SESSION_VARS</b><br><br>";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) {
print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";


Call the file with the following at any point in your page where you would like the variables output.


By the way if you are wondering what the above PHP code does, it is for displaying the environment variables.

Now for the CSS which I used to do this change. Simply go to blogger dashboard, Design, Edit HTML and search for the area where they keep the CSS. (It will look something like the code which you are going to copy). Once you located it, just copy paste the below CSS to add to the list and you are all set.

.code {
font-family: Courier, 'Courier New', sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #00FF00;
background-color: #000000; border: #D1D7DC; border-style: solid;
border-left-width: 2px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 1px

.quote {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #444444; line-height: 125%;
background-color: #FAFAFA; border: #D1D7DC; border-style: solid;
border-left-width: 1px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px

The .code will give you the black and green attribute to your code and the .quote will give you the attribute which is displayed above. When you need to apply one of these attributes, you just need to enclose it in a set of div tags with the right class parameter(Make sure you are in Edit HTML and not in Compose mode). For example <div class="code"> Test code</div>

I gather that I am just seeing the tip of the iceberg here and there are tons of things we can do with this. Do share anything which you fond interesting using CSS

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog tools. Free Blogging tools list

Blog tools. Inspiration behind this blog for blog tools.

I have been blogging since early 2004. So far I have come across hundreds of tools which I feel make the Blogger's life easy in one way or the other. I searched the blog time and again for tools which fits my needs during different stages of my blogging experience. It is time to share those to the world. So, I dedicate my first blog post to showcase all the tools which I think every blogger , well I wont say "should have" but every blogger should know about them.

So far, I have 128 blog tools. Here is a simple list of all the tools I have found so far. I will be adding details to each site in the coming days. It is a big list. I suggest if you are looking for any specific kind of tool, then you click the labels to visit the kind of tool which you are interested in.

Stock.xchng ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

Stock.XCHNG is one of the leading FREE stock photo site. If you are looking for copyright free images for your site, this is the first place you should look at. Double check to make sure that there are no copyrights on the picture you are going to use. Here is a youtube video on stock.xchng ==> Blog Tools Category(Image) is an excellent photo editing tool. It boasts a simple, intuitive, and innovative user interface. You can download the tool free from the site. Here is a youtube of introduction to ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) is the best blogging platform available and has got more users than any other blogging platforms. You can get your free blog within minutes of signing up. There are literally hundreds of thousands of templates available in the internet for Wordpress. You can easily find help for any issues regarding wordpress as there is a great community of bloggers who use it. Here is a youtube video on getting started with wordpress ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Blogger is a blogging platform from Google. I personally use Blogger as it is easy to start and get going and as I have been using it for the past couple of years, I know all the tricks to get things done here. Here is a youtube video on how to get started with blogger

Google Analytics ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Google Analytics is a great blog tool. If you have a blog and you have regular inflow of visitors to your blog, then the next logical step is to optimize your blog. Google analytics will help you see where your visitors are coming from, what pages are getting viewed more often, geographic location of your visitors etc.  If you have a Google account, then you can integrate your account with Google analytics. Here is a youtube video on Google analytics.

Skype ==> Blog Tools Category(Communication)

Now, you might ask, Skype is a chatting tool. Why will I include something like skype in this list? Because communication is an integral part in any venture. You need to communicate with your fellow bloggers and skype is a tool which is used by many bloggers. I know this for a fact because I have personally chatted with many users and shared and exchanged ideas on skype. Here is a youtube video on skype.

PollDaddy ==> Blog Tools Category(Feedback)

Set up an online survey in minutes and start collecting responses in real-time. That is the motto of polldaddy. Ever wondered how you can collect your viewers opinion on something or someone. Polldaddy helps you accomplish that. There is a limited number of response you can get from their free plan. But if you have some money to shead and serious about getting user feedback, then you should upgrade. Here is a youtube video on polldady. They recently launched the twitter version also.

Google Alerts ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Google Alert is not really categorized as a blog tool. But for me bloggers can see it as a blog tool. With google alerts, you can set alerts for any keyword you wish and if Google robots find that keyword anywhere in the web in the future, you will be notified via email. Suppose you want to see whether someone is talking about your blog named, then you can put that as an alert keyword and if anyone mentions that in their website or blog, you will be notified by Google. Here is a youtube video on Google alerts

CoffeeCup ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

If you ever need to edit your HTML in your blog or see the source code, then CoffeeCup can be an excellent blog tool addition. There are lots of other tools which the coffeecup team provides but the HTML editor is the most popular of all. Here is a youtube video on CoffeeCup HTML editor.

Core FTP ==> Blog Tools Category(FTP)

This free, secure FTP client gives you a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain your website via FTP.  It also provides a secure method (via SSL, TLS, or SFTP) to upload / download files to and from FTP servers. Here is are some youtube video search results

Delicious ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Delicious is a social bookmarking website. In layman terms, if you like a website, you can bookmark it for checking back later. From a bloggers point of view Delicious can be both a traffic generator and a idea generator. If by luck or by quality of the content you provide, the blog post gets listed in Delicious hotlist, then you will have huge inflow of traffic to your blog.  Here is video on Delicious.

Evernote ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Evernote can act as your brain's external memory, and a good one. The company motto is "Remember everthing". Once you get your account going, select anything that you want to remember then just select it by highlighting it and click the evernote button on your browser. It will be copied to evernote in a flash. The best thing is that you can store anything like this, pictures, videos, text etc. Evernote indexes all the data stored and it can even search texts inside images. Yes, try it out to believe it. Here is a video on Evernote.

Google docs ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Google tasks ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Posterous ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Twitme ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

dropbox ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Google Reader ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

windows live writer ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

feed burner ==> Blog Tools Category(RSS)

quantcast ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

hootsuite ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

everystockphoto ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

istockphoto ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

delicious ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

twitter ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

facebook ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

youtube ==> Blog Tools Category(Video)

flicker ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

Digg ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

stumbleupon ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

PayPal ==> Blog Tools Category(Payment) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

ExpressionEngine ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Add this ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Tumbler ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Wikipedia ==> Blog Tools Category(Content)

amplify ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion) ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion) ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Sitemeter ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

My Blog Log ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

WebAnalyse ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Performancing Metrics ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

AWStats ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Extreme ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Webalizer ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Stat Counter ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Measure Map ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Slim Stat ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Ecto for Mac and Windows ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Qumana ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

BlogJet ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Zoundry ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

w.bloggar ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Blog Desk ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Post2Blog ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Performancing for Firefox ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Mars Edit ==> Blog Tools Category(Editor)

Bloglines ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

FeedDemon ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Technorati ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Website Watcher ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

BlogPulse ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Blogarithm ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Topix ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Blog Bridge ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Grazr ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Memeorandum ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

NewsGator Online ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Net News Wire ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

FeedBlitz ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Zookoda ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Aweber ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Yutter ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

RssFwd ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Feedburner’s Email Subscription Service ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Blog ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

Vizu ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

Free Blog Poll ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

Blog Poll ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

Blog Flux Polls ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

WP Polls ==> Blog Tools Category(Poll)

Pingoat ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Pingomatic ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

AudioBlogger ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

BlogRolling ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Creative Commons ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Picasa ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

Flock ==> Blog Tools Category(Blog Platform)

Copyscape ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

TalkDigger ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Blog Flux ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Backpack It ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Basecamp ==> Blog Tools Category(Organizing)

Ice Rocket ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

coComment ==> Blog Tools Category(Feedback)

co.mments ==> Blog Tools Category(RSS)

Gabbly ==> Blog Tools Category(Feedback)

Only Wire ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Odeo ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

TagCloud ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Indie Karma ==> Blog Tools Category(Payment)

Tiny URL ==> Blog Tools Category(Promotion)

Swicki ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

Filmloop ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

Favicon Maker ==> Blog Tools Category(Image) ==> Blog Tools Category(Video)

Google Groups ==> Blog Tools Category(Ideas and News)

MyImager ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

blogbridge  ==> Blog Tools Category(RSS)

IceRocket ==> Blog Tools Category(Search)

SlimStat ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

ActiveWords ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

ImageShack  ==> Blog Tools Category(Image)

Addfreestats ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)

Stickam ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

myopenid ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

roboform ==> Blog Tools Category(Other)

Feedjit ==> Blog Tools Category(Stats)